Stage: b) planning
Approaches to learning: Media literacy and information management skills because I searched for the information in different sources and chose the best to reference and use during this research.
During the making of this research I found myself using only the web page "teach me anatomy" because the information it provides is very complete and easy to understand, I tried researching in other sources but I found the information to be not very complete nor relevant enough. I was very surprised when researching about the meninges because I did not expect it to be divided into three very different parts, however, it was very interesting to learn about them all.
Cranial nerves: - There are 12 paired nerves that come from the brain.
- 2 nerves (olfactory and optic) come from the cerebrum, and the other 10 come from the brain stem.
- In the midbrain there is the trochlear nerve.
- In the pons there is the trigeminal nerve
- In the medulla oblongata there are the vagus, accessory, hypoglossal and glossopharyngeal nerves.
- In the midbrain-pontine junction there is the oculomotor nerve
- In the pontine-medulla junction there are the abducens, facial and vestibulocochlear nerves.
Meninges: - They are three layers that cover the brain and the spinal cord.
- They are called the dura mater, arachnoid mater and the pia mater.
- They all have two very important functions; working with cerebrospinal fluid to protect the CNS from mechanical damage and providing a supportive framework for the cerebral and cranial vasculature.
- Often involved in cerebral pathology
- It is a common site of infection and inter cranial bleeds.
- The dura matter is the outermost layer of the meninges, it is thick and inextensible. It has two connective tissue sheets; the endosteal layer that lines the inner surface of the bones of the cranium and the meningeal layer that lanes the endosteal layer inside the cranial cavity.
- Between those layers, there are the dural venous sinuses, they are responsible for the venous vasculature of the cranium.
- The arachnoid mater is the middle layer of the meninges, it basically is a connective tissue that does not receive any innervation.
- The pia matter is located underneath the arachnoid mater, it is very thin and adhered to the surface of the brain and spinal cord. It is highly vascularized.
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