December 11 / 2017
Stage: b) planning
Approaches to learning: Communication skills because I was able to listen to suggestions coming from Lizbeth and interpreted them in order for her comments to help me on the process of developing my project.
Today in regional, our teacher Lizbeth, that is also the personal project manager and my supervisor handed us a rubric about the criteria of our personal project and all the stages through which we all have to go through and the things we have to do in order to get a good grade. She read it out loud and also added some comments and recommendations to the speech, I wrote those I considered important and very valuable, they were the following:
- In every entry I should always link back to my global context
- Always analyze everything about my process and the knowledge I acquire.
- I should try and use the sources in my OPVL chart
- In order to get a good grade, my sources should be diverse.
- It would be recommended to lengthen the OPVL chart with a lot more sources.
- I should try and link the work plan to most diary entries.
Of the things I wrote down, I will try and do my best to meet up to them in order to get a good grade in my personal project, I guess the most complex thing to meet up to will be the one where all sources most be diverse because I only have access to internet, book and a few specialists, therefore I will try my best to find different sources from which I can extract valuable information for my project.
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